Wednesday, June 29, 2005

You hafta see these!

We just got a friendly visit from the UPS man bearing great gifts! All the way from New York City courtesy of our totally talented, good friend Molly (to whom I owe so much to and she has to know this!)

But aren't these cool! She was concerned that some of the paint may be too rough for new baby flesh but don't care, baby is wearing them! She could have sand paper on the inside and I'd make him wear them. Fashion before function is our motto. (Do I really need to say I'm just kidding here??)

Click on the photo above to see more pics of them, cuz I know you wanna!

38 weeks and our first parenting snafu

Click here to read what is happening in the pregnancy at 38 weeks. And to read about our great car seat adventure, read below.

Bryan and I decided to install the car seat last weekend. I didn't really have any doubts we could pull it off, I mean thousands of flakey mom's do this every day (not saying all mom's are flakey...obviously). So I'm reading the little instructions that come with the car seat, comparing them with my car's manual. Ok we got, we got it. Ok we don't got it. We put the base in, first of all we had it in the center, (rear facing of course!) and we used my car's seatbelt. The thing would not tighten nearly enough. Oh wait, the LATCH system, that's riiiight. OK undo the seatbelt, find the little corresponding LATCH symbols on my car and hook it in. Tighten up the belt. Hmmmmm, still not tight. Maybe we need to use my car seat belt AND the LATCH thing. Nope, didn't help. Meanwhile the evil lady from the birthing class is playing over and over in my head "If your car seat can move even a hair your KID WILL DIE." This isn't good.

Something just isn't right with this whole LATCH thing, it's like the straps go all the way across the other 2 seats in the back which would totally interfere with anyone else riding back there. I don't remember anyone else's car having this problem. Oh looky, here are two more LATCH hooks closer to the center, this MUST be it. Re-hook everything and it is still too loose. Wait, what about this little lock clip thing in the picture...ours didn't come with one! Oh my gosh, we need one of these!! I'm looking all over the car seat and whaddya know, it's like built in to the infant seat carrier, how convenient. We take it off and are thinking this won't help a bit. Looking at the clip, looking at the car seat instructions, looking at my car manual, shaking the car seat every now and then, watching it easily shake side to side, forward and back. NOT GOOD. That's it, we aren't leaving the house, problem solved. OK, OK, not realistic.

So we concluded the clip thing isn't applicable in our case with the belt we were using, it was for the outside seats. Maybe we should move it to the outside. But no, it clearly says to use the center if possible. But wait, it says the center isn't compliant with most LATCH systems. So why are these LATCH hooks here for the center. Oooooooohhhh, they aren't for the center, they are for the outside. Well now what?

Bryan: Maybe we should put it on the outside seat
Me: Are you insane?? We could easily get hit in the side and bam, baby is dead
Bryan: Well we might be able to actually install the seat then
Me: Great, install the seat knowing the baby is dead. Why even use a car seat at all???

Back to square one, using my car seat belt, seat in the center, forget the LATCH. If only the seat belt would go tighter, this doesn't make any sense. There are only so many ways to install this thing and we've tried them all. It's just impossible, maybe they are meant to sway from side to side. No that can't be right. I'm now convinced that Xterras are not designed for car seat installation. That's it, I give up we have to get someone to do this for us and we'll never take it out again.

We come in, I'm calling the Fire Stations since every where I read says that your local friendly firemen will gladly install your car seat. Well not ours! Great. Now we have plenty of friends that have used many a car seat that could help us but I wanted it done THEN. And at this point I don't trust that anyone's are installed correctly because it's apparently completely 100% impossible to install a car seat. We're looking online, we're racking our brains. I'm trying to find the next car seat installation training class at the Maryland Kids in Safety Seats (KISS) and freaked out because they aren't answering their phone. Maybe because it was a Friday evening!

Finally, Bryan comes across a very helpful site and showing a nice little image of someone's knee in the car seat base as they are pulling up on the seat belt. Well we pulled and pulled on that thing so I didn't see how it would help. Sure enough, Bryan got that thing tight. All about LEVERAGE BABY! No movement side to side or forward and back. THANK GOODNESS WE WILL BE ALLOWED TO BRING OUR KID HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL. I think I'll still be getting it double checked but I like to think that we are semi-competent in this whole baby care thing now.

Monday, June 27, 2005

OB appointment at 37 weeks and 5 days

Blood pressure - too high! They take it at the beginning of the appointment and it was elevated. But after the appointment they had me lay down on my left side and rechecked it and it was down in the normal range again.
Urine - OK
Weight - who is really keeping track anyway ;)
Baby's Heart Rate - OK
Measurement - 41
Dilated - 0 cm - I even got a "you are very closed"
Station - still -2 (last week was also -2. For those who don't know: 0 is the pelvic bone (more or less). +1, +2 would be the closer the baby is to the vaginal opening, +2 being the closest. -1, -2 means the baby is further up, not yet in the birth canal -2 being further up.)

They say typically in first time moms the baby drops a couple weeks before delivery. So not too reassuring the fact that he's still way up there! But we also know that nothing is ever really typical. First time moms also typically go past their due date. But you know the OB expert at the grocery store who must moonlight as a cashier says it looks like I've dropped. Funny how she knows considering she's NEVER SEEN ME BEFORE. Everyone is an expert huh? I can tell you, I don't look like I've dropped at all, he's still sitting right where he's been the last few months. And my nice little internal exam proves that.

My 7/1 birth day is rapidly approaching and I think it might just pass on by. Sorry Shala, I tried. I think I'm feeding the baby too good in there. Why come out when he can eat all the Oreos he wants when he knows it'll be a good couple years before he ever gets any on the outside! My doctor is officially on vacation now until 7/4 so maybe my bad luck can bring me some good fortune and I'll deliver this week.

I'm really not that discouraged, plenty of people weren't dilated one minute and then are delivering the next so it's not a die-hard rule. I'm just kind of ready for the next chapter. I'm not uncomfortable anymore really. Even my joints aren't too bad, except for my fingers still but even they aren't bothering me like they were last week. My BIGGEST complaint is the Restless Leg Syndrome I've seem to develop (common in pregnancy) which really puts a damper on sleeping. And at times makes it pretty impossible. Other than that when I'm not trying to sleep I feel just fine. I always get "Oh you must be dying in this heat." Not really, that's the beauty of A/C. Even Bryan and I go for walks and eat outside, I think this is the perfect time of year to have a baby! Bryan is more uncomfortable than I am!

All in all, no signs of delivery nearing but anything can happen!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

We're full term today baby!

So come on out!

I wasn't uncomfortable until now. Well sleeping has been difficult but that has been more of a mind thing versus physical discomfort. But now, oh man I'm hurting. It's crazy how aware you become of all the joints your body has when they are all ACHING WITH PAIN. Yes, because of the pregnancy fluid that increases so much in the last few weeks my joints are hurting! Especially my fingers and wrists. But now it's my hips and ankels and toes and well, if it's a joint it's hurting. And my back, oh my back. I'm starting to wonder if I actually strained it the other day. I'm not sure what I would have been doing but it doesn't feel like it could be this sore and especially this stiff from pregnancy. Although I've never done this before so who knows!

You can read about the typical 37 week old fetus and pregnancy here. I'd like to say just 3 more weeks to go but I guess it can be anywhere up to 5 weeks! Please no!

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

OB appointment at 36 weeks and 6 days

Blood pressure - OK
Urine - OK
Weight - 2 pounds (boooooh!)
Baby's Heart Rate - OK
Measurement - 40 1/2 weeks
Effacement - 50% (and he said this was being generous)
Dilated - 0 cm

Everything is A-O-K but it sure looks like this baby isn't coming any time soon. NO dilation, barely effaced and he said "the baby is still way the hell up there." Dr's words exactly. Not really what I wanted to hear. I asked if I would definitely know when he dropped and he said possibly, I'd be peeing more and will be able to eat more too. Ummmm, eat more?? You know that really isn't a problem for me right now. I heard of many pregnant women getting full very quickly and then hungry shortly after but you know, me not so much. I don't get full AND I'm hungry starving every hour already. And pullleeeze don't make me pee any more!

He said he'll definitely be in the 8 lb range and if it goes beyond my due date, I'm sure we'll be in the 9's by then. And if it get's closer and he hasn't dropped then he'll have to find out why, meaning maybe he won't fit, maybe I don't have an 8 lb pelvis (although he's mentioned in the past that I could easily handle it). But as of right now, no concerns.

We're officially full-term tomorrow (anywhere from 37 - 42 weeks is normal). So I just wanted to say one thing to my son...feel free to come out WHENEVER you want. TOMORROW would be fine and actually there is still time left TODAY. Today is looking better for me but no PRESSURE OR ANYTHING!

*update* - Oh we had a nice surprise today. Bryan's office threw him a little baby shower and they gave us the high chair we had registered for. It's really nice too. We had decided to hold off on it at this point but if someone else is gonna buy it then heck yeah!

Monday, June 20, 2005

Parenting Methods - Cara and Bryan Style

Disclaimer: My intention is not to offend anyone but more to get my thoughts out on where we stand with different parenting methods. And while I'm sure I may offend some of you out there with my blatant naiveté and lack of experience to back up any "theories" I have, just a reminder this is about me and my little family...not you (that's what personal blogs are all about, right!) And I mean all of this in the most loving way. I know that parenting is a very personal matter and what works for some parents won't work for others and even within the same family, what works for some babies won't work for the next one. This I understand and this is why the following is in no way a personal attack on anyone and their choice of parenting. I do hope everyone can keep an open mind including myself as well as respect our decisions we make as parents.

I'm really just curious and anxious to find out exactly how this parenting thing works. I have my ideas on what I want to do, I have my theories on what I think it will be like and what will work best. What I should do and what I should not do. But most of all I'm really curious to find out just how hypocritical I'll end up after all this is said and done. Can I really practice what I preach? Although I try to only preach to myself (and poor Bryan) so hopefully any hypocrisy won't be too obvious to outside parties.

1. Breast Feeding - Yes I feel it's best, yes I want to do it, yes I will give it all I have and not give up after only trying for a week (assuming no special circumstances arise). I know it's something that takes work and patience. But no I will not feel bad or like a failure if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. And I never feel it's my place to say to any non-breast feeding mom that they should do it. I don't know their personal situation. I admit I was completely clueless about breastfeeding before I started to read about it and learn, despite what breast feeding mom's told me. I assumed because it is such a natural process, that everyone would know what to do. Oh how I've learned.

2. Attachment Parenting - I really like the theories behind this method. But there are a few things that I don't necessarily feel comfortable with so I think this will be a basic guideline for me but not a strict set of rules. I do feel there are a lot of misconceptions about what it is and I feel it will be difficult to get some people to see the way. I first heard about it through a friend and while it took me a while to really get what she was saying, it made me curious to learn about it and I'm glad I did.

3. Baby Wearing - I am not sure why but I already feel very strongly about this. It just seems right to me. I've heard of some babies just not liking the sling but I hope that isn't our case. Not only will I wish I could constantly hold my child close but I think Bryan would give me a hard time about all the money I've spent on various baby carrying devices if they go unused! I really feel slings make more sense than strollers. Now I definitely feel there are times when a stroller is best but I think more often than not, a sling or other baby wearing thing is better.

4. Co-sleeping - all for it. I will say however that if my baby is willing to sleep in his crib, then halleluiah. Now we have the mini co-sleeper because as of right now I don't necessarily feel comfortable having our son directly in the bed with us. Mainly because I know what kind of sleepers we are and don't feel it's the safest bet. Bryan and I used to get in fist fights during our sleep (maybe there was some deeper psychological reason for this but we'd laugh it off the next day) and I already feel the bed is too small for us 2. Maybe this will change but for now I think the Co-sleeper fits our needs.

5. Spanking for discipline - don't like it, don't want to do it, get fired up when I see it. I don't want to threaten my child with the "possibility" of spanking either. My goal is not to instill any kind of fear in my child but help him learn from his behavior and understand why he shouldn't be doing something. I don't want him to not do something just because he thinks he'll get spanked. I want him to see the big picture. The last thing I want my child to feel is any kind of fear from me or Bryan. But oh lord, please give me some more patience!

6. Labeling - I couldn't find a good link on this but this is just always something I felt strongly about. Even positive labels "the smart one" etc just don't seem fair to me. I see them as limiting and I want my child to feel he is and can be whatever he wants to be (unless it falls in the raging psychopath category).

7. Materialism - This is one thing I really hope to steer my child away from. There are so many outside influences that regardless of how hard we try in our home to prevent this, I feel it will be a daily challenge. I'll admit I was very, very materialistic. It took me a long time to overcome this (like up till last month) and every now and then it still comes out. I don’t feel comfortable when I hear "oh we can't wait to spoil him" or "he's going to be so spoiled." To me "spoil" has a negative connotation. Anything "spoiled" is generally bad...a "spoiled" surprise, "spoiled" milk, "spoiled" brat...see what I mean? I rather hear "oh we can't wait to show him how much he's loved." Our child will always have what he needs and obviously things he doesn't need. I just don't want it to become expected and I want him to really appreciate everything he has and not move on to the next thing he wants 5 minutes later. There are kids who want things and then there are kids who want things and completely freak out if they don't get them, so badly that they generally end up with whatever it is they wanted. I'm hoping I can teach my child that those things aren't important without him feeling deprived. I don't want to have to ban all commercials/TV in our house to accomplish this either, hopefully he'll learn this.

Well there you have it, I think those are our main "parenting" methods. That said, we'll find out how many we really stick to. I know this is all easier said than done, I'm not stupid. And I know for every reason I have for wanting to do something, someone out there has a reason why I shouldn't. And it may be just as valid. I also know that just because this is what I want to do, does not mean I feel someone who does something different is any less of a parent than I am. I know there are going to be millions of better parents out there and also tons of parents who will make me look like Mom Of The Year. I think my toughest challenge will be consistency.

My overall goal is to be open minded. I want to learn about different methods for doing something. Like with attachment parenting, I never knew about it, but once I heard about it, I was curious to know more. I didn't just chalk it up to something else I didn't know and didn't really need to learn. We know we will make mistakes and well-meaning outside parties will try to prevent us from making these mistakes but honestly we are looking forward to making these mistakes on our own. That’s the only way we can learn and see what works for our family and gain confidence in ourselves as parents. What it comes down to is I'm going to do what feels right for me and my family and hope for the best. That's all we can do right?!

After thought disclaimer: While most of this is spoken in first person I like to reassure everyone that these are all things that BOTH Bryan and I discussed and agree upon. We’re definitely a team in this.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Belly pic at 36 weeks and 1 day

I need to start cropping my face off if I'm not going to put in any effort into my appearance anymore. And maybe switch up the uniform every now and then.

This is me measuring 39 1/2 weeks.

36 weeks and 1 day

I tried to smile but it just gave me more chins so this is as good as it gets right now.

9 months!

I'm in my 9th month of pregnancy as of yesterday. Kinda funny how most people think you deliver when you hit 9 months, but nope, still another month to go! No signs of labor nearing yet for me. It doesn't seem like the baby has dropped yet. But my mom's water never broke nor did she ever dilate before her contractions started and until they broke her water in the hospital and my sisters and I all came a couple weeks early. So it really can come out of nowhere! Too bad the way Bryan and I were born has no effect on how our baby will be. I wish I had some insight!

You can read about the typical baby development and pregnancy at 36 weeks here

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

OB appointment at 35 weeks and 6 days

Blood pressure - OK
Urine - Lots of sugar in it thanks to the OJ I chugged all morning
Weight - 1 pound
Baby's Heart Rate - OK
Measurement - 39 1/2 weeks
Dilated - 0 cm

All is well in the womb. No dilating yet, kind of a bummer. But it was good to hear I'm only measuring 39 1/2 weeks instead of 44 like last week! The baby was messing with me, he must have been all stretched out.

The doctor doesn't really see any reason why I would go into labor early and it's too early to talk about inducing. I don't think that will even become something they would suggest at this point unless my due date has come and gone, thank goodness. I won't let them induce before my due date as I'm sure I've said enough already. Although if I have many more sleepless nights I just may change my mind.

But he said everythign is completely normal and looking good. He did said hopefully I'll go into labor at 38 weeks instead of 44 but there is no reason to think it'll happen one way or the other. So back to my uneventful appointments. Time is dragging now!

But 1 pound! Did you hear that?!? I ONLY GAINED 1 POUND, this was my first "normal" weight gain!!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Belly Cast

Look what we made, the permanent pregnant belly of moi!

Almost the finished product. It needs more drying time and some fine tuning. We had every intention of putting my arms in it like this but it was more of a pain than we thought it would be. We took the easy way out.

It wasn't the easiest thing but far from difficult but I knew Bryan was working hard and really getting into his "masterpiece." I'm so glad we did it!

I haven't decided if we'll paint it yet. I kind of like it in it's simple form now. But it will be proudly displayed in our nursery so our son can see where he spent the last 9 months.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

I'm a Baller baby

Me birth-ballin' it up. It supposedly not only relieves pressure on your back but it opens up your pelvis encouraging the baby to head on out in the right direction!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Results are in!

I just spoke with my doctor and found out the results of the sonogram. I'll start off by saying its good news but I can't help feeling a little down about it!

My fluid levels are normal, everything is normal. The reason for me measuring so largely is because he's already 6 lbs. A lot of people give birth to a 6 lb baby!!!! He's still in the normal size range he's just at the high end of the range. For those who know me, what is the one thing I didn't want? A large baby!! Guess what I'll be having, a large baby!! I go from thinking I’ll be having a tiny preemie to a monster

They say they typically gain 1/2 lb a week at this point. That is typically speaking. If that were the case he'd only be in the 8 lb range but not my super-baby, I'm sure he'll probably gain at a rapid weight of 2 lbs a week. Oh lucky, lucky me. They did say they'd induce me if he got too large but unless there is a medical reason then I don't want to be induced. My sister gave birth to a 9 1/2 lb baby so if she can do it, I can do it! I just don't WANT to do it!

She did say that he could have been positioned weird when she measured, he could of had his back arched or been really stretched out but it doesn't change the fact that he still looks 6 lbs in the sonogram.

I am grateful that all is well though and if a big baby is my only complaint then we are very lucky. You better believe though I'll be doing my "baby come now" dance at 37 weeks!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Name of the game

No news is good news right? Still waiting for the results but to pass the time I thought I would clarify something.

Bryan and I were eating dinner at my parent's way back on Super Bowl Sunday when the half time show began with Paul McCartney. Everyone should know by now our baby's name is a secret until the birth. But I casually said "our baby's name is inspired by the Beatles." Oooooh, if I could turn back time and take that sentence back. I just want to reiterate I said INSPIRED BY THE BEATLES. Next thing you know we get phone calls from people who have just gone through every lyric of every Beatles song ever written guessing names (the top one being Jude). EVEN if someone were to guess it correctly, we would never say one way or the other. BUT somewhere along the line "inspired by the Beatles" got terribly misconstrued. The rumor mill starts and "inspired by the Beatles" turns into, "the name is in a Beatles song!"

So what it's NOT:
The name is NOT in any lyrics to any song
The name is NOT on any album cover
The name is NOT one of the Beatles names

See INSPIRED by does not mean directly taken from something so continue to guess away all you want but I can tell you now you are wrong, wrong, WRONG. ALL WRONG! And if you are lucky we may tell you the day he's born instead of holding it back to watch everyone squirm a little longer :)

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

U/S Appointment

Well we went for the appointment and it was very routine. The tech couldn't tell us in nothing. She couldn't tell us what the baby's heart rate was (even though Bryan saw it on the screen) she couldn't even tell me if he was facing to the right or the left. She was very nice though. Bryan watched the screen even though he didn't want to but everything was very hard to make out. We got a lot of print outs but they really don't show anything. Not worth me posting. The previous ultrasound picture to the right was definitely the best shot. She said it's because he's so big now it's hard to see anything. (Which made us wonder...."so big" as in bigger than he should be for his age or "so big" as in normal 35 week size.) We'll have to wait to find out because she sure wouldn't say!

But he was sucking on his hand, drinking the amniotic fluid, yawning, he seemed as comfortable as can be. She said the ultrasound will give an estimate on his current weight, they measured him and they checked the fluid around him as well as my cervix and ovaries.

She said they will fax the results to my doctor in 2 business days. So don't expect to hear anything before Friday and we'll keep everyone posted.


I will be going for my ultrasound today at 2:30 pm. And just a reminder that I will NOT have the results today. The lab usually doesn't send them over to the doctor's office until the next day. Even if I beg and plead with the lab they are not allowed to tell us anything so I will have to wait for the doctor to call. And unless it was something urgent, I'm sure the doctor won't be able to call me for a few hours after they get them.
And although I'm sure Bryan will be trying to get me to call the doctor's office first thing tomorrow, I will WAIT until they call me because THEY will call me with the results when they can!

I will post the news as soon as I know, I promise. I'm looking forward to seeing our little son on the big screen again, it's been a while! Bryan is going with me but he says he doesn't want to see because he doesn't want to know what he looks like yet. I tried to remind him that a black and white 2D profile shot may not really ruin the surprise! If I get a print out, I may just post his new picture on his 35th week-in-utero birthday.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

News from my INTERESTING OB appointment at 34 weeks and 6 days

Blood pressure - OK
Urine - OK
Weight - OK in the grand scheme of things, I rather not say my 2 week weight gain this time!
Baby's Heart Rate - OK
Effaced - about 50%
Dilated - 0 cm

I never liked going to these doctor appointments because they were so quick and uneventful. Well NOT ANYMORE! I wasn't sure if I would be having an internal exam today or not. They typically start those at 36 weeks but I had messed up my appointments when I had the flu a few months back so I'm a week off. So I wasn't sure if they would do one at 35 weeks or my next appointment at 37 weeks but I requested one. I rather have one sooner than later.

So for setting the stage of the story I'll reveal how much I gained in the past 2 weeks...8 lbs!!! Now one would think that isn't humanly possible but don't underestimate me. If anyone can do it, I CAN!! I thought my 8 lb weight gain around the holidays was bad and that was after 4 weeks!

Anyway I was pretty shocked about the weight gain, that's a total of 50 lb so far. I know I FEEL huge but really I don't see an additional 50 lbs on me so it was rather surprising. So she measures my stomach and casually asks me if I'm still working to which I respond yes. She then says "OK well you need to STOP!" Ummm, what? Repeat please? Why I often dream of people telling me to not work, I was not expecting it and I had a feeling it wasn't because she just thought I deserved a break. No it's because I'm measuring at 44 weeks! FORTY-FOUR WEEKS! Need I remind you I am only 35 weeks along?? Pregnancies typically only go to 40 weeks. My uterus is the size of 44 weeks!! What does this mean? Good question but I'm going to have a sonogram tomorrow (or as soon as I can get in) to make sure everything looks good. It's all fluid in my stomach which is where the 8lb weight gain came from. (While it's alarming it made me feel better it wasn't from me stuffing my face.) I think the only thing the sonogram will tell me is if the baby's size is still OK. But everything else was good, baby's heart rate is fine so no distress. She just wants me home resting incase my water breaks.

Apparently when you are that big it puts pressure on your uterus. Your uterus then thinks you are full term therefore will start contractions. Which is why (they say) twins generally go early.
I mentioned my Braxton Hicks contractions seem to be rather frequent but they aren't painful at all so she confirmed it's nothing to worry about. I would know if they were pre-term contractions. And she said at this point I'm far enough along that they wouldn't do anything to stop it. My doctor even said the same thing with the fluid happened to her when she was pregnant. She was put on rest for a couple of weeks and the excess fluid went away and all was back to normal. So it doesn't mean that anything is "wrong."

Anyway so I got my "eventful" appointment. They want to see me back next week instead of waiting 2 weeks. So check this site frequently since I won't be working and will be bored and lonely, I'll probably have a lot of updates! Although it will probably be things like "yup, still sitting at home...alone....bored." But check anyway :)

And just to emphasize the doctor DOES NOT FEEL THAT ANYTHING IS WRONG and doesn't think I'll be having the baby in the next couple weeks (although she did say she doesn't think I'll make it to July 13th.) But really there is no way to know for sure. A co-worker of mine was put on bed rest at about 4 months because the baby was trying to come early and after all that, they couldn't even get the baby to come out when it was time! So there is nothing to worry about.

And for those who will worry, while I appreciate the concern, please try not to express any worries to me. Worrying not only doesn't help anything but it will only cause me stress! That's the last thing I need! I'm not worried and neither should you be!

Until next time! I'll post the results of my sonogram which I won't know anything until the end of the week. The lab doesn't tell me anything so they wont send results to my doctor until the next day then I have to wait for my doctor to call me, yadda yadda yadda.

The belly 9 weeks too big

The picture on the left is how I look today although I'm not due for my monthly photo for another week. But incase others were curious to know how big I look now. I reposted my previous belly shot for comparison. I really don't think I look THAT much bigger. I mean a 9 week difference is pretty huge, to me, so I'd expect me to look gigantic. Random people tell me all the time I'm huge now, they can't believe I still have 5 more weeks. But strangers say silly stuff all the time so I never really believe them!

The picture on the right is how big I was 3.5 weeks ago. A week before my last appointment where I was measuring right on target for 33 weeks.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Show some love

I'm happy to say we received our first comment on this site, thanks to my sister Kristy. I was really starting to wonder if anyone was reading this thing! So for those who haven't noticed you can comment on here. I originally had the settings wrong so it was making you be a registered "blogger" user but I have since updated it and no registration is required for commenting. All you have to do is click the little "comments" link under each post (it'll probably say "0 comments") and voila, a new window appears where you can tell us how wonderful we are :)

So where you at?! Show us your love!

Apparently there is nothing to taking care of a baby

We had our Baby Care class yesterday and it was a big waste of time. I'd skip the 2nd class next week but unfortunately that's the one I want to go to where it talks about the choking and infant CPR stuff. But last night the first hour was like show and tell of baby gear. But it was so basic and common sense (like at this point you think we've never seen a onsie before?!) we were thinking of bailing at the break. It did pick up a little at the second half but I still don't feel it provided any additional knowledge (the video on Shaken Baby Syndrome was a little disturbing). It did emphasize how you can't "spoil" a baby by acknowledging their crying and trying to sooth with touch, comfort or even a pacifier. We already knew that but there are some old schools of thought that actually think an infant can be "spoiled" in that manner. We did learn more about the process of circumcision and after actually seeing it and really thinking about the process, it does make one really question whether it's worth it or not.

Overall I'd have to say the class wasn't worth it. Definitely could have cut out the first hour. Can't win them all but they better be nice and detailed when it comes to the CPR next week!

I'm still feeling pretty good for the most part. Sometimes the Braxton Hicks contractions are out of control but nothing painful. The baby gets the hiccups I think nightly now and you can really feel his limbs at times these days!

Oh I do have one complaint, the whole overactive bladder!! Now I know the bladder woes of a girl in her 3rd trimester is nothing new but I just need to complain about it for a second. It's been annoying and now it's just painful! I always had an active bladder from pregnancy day 1. It never slowed down as I read it would in the 2nd trimester but it is raging now.

Not only do I get up an average of every 30 minutes throughout the night but it goes from empty to full in seconds. Fine I have a full bladder but when it's full it hurts! It feels like my bladder is hanging between my knees. I can hardly get out of bed to empty it because it's too painful to get up let alone to walk to the bathroom (while trying to dodge the claws of our evil cat). But once I go there is nothing more satisfying. Unfortunately the satisfaction only lasts a brief moment until I'm paralyzed with bladder overload once again. Ahh, such is life and only 6 more weeks to go.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

How much you wanna bet?

I just called my doctor to find out who I am seeing at my remaining appointments since I couldn't remember who I set them up for. I switch off between the PA and the Dr. but I wanted to make sure that the last few were with the actual Dr. I don't doubt the PA's ability but I wanted the Dr. more so for the bonding since he will be at the delivery.

Well guess what? My doctor is on vacation from 6/27 - 7/4. HOW MUCH do you want to bet I will deliver while he's on vacation? Seriously I'm taking bets. You see my body likes to mess with me. As you know I really want to deliver on 7/1. So under normal circumstances because I want to, I won't. But just the fact that my doctor wouldn't be there for a 7/1 delivery, I bet I will.

So maybe there is no point in bonding with either since now I'm convinced I'll have some doctor I never met delivering! Which by the way, I'm totally fine with and from what I hear the back up doctor and midwife are even MORE "natural" than my doctor. Hmmm, maybe that can work out in my favor. And it seems like doctors are pretty much secondary, it's the nurses that really spend the time with you and can make it or break it! I really wouldn't care if Bryan ended up having to deliver, I ain't worried about a thang right now!

Moving Right Along

I am 34 weeks pregnant today, just 6 more weeks to go (well I'm hoping for 4!). I promised my sister I'd do my best to get him out on July 1st. That way she can come down from Connecticut while I'm still in the hospital and have the long holiday weekend. I'm trying! But until then, you can read about the pregnancy and baby's progress here.

Well we made another trip to BabiesRUs this weekend despite me saying we have everything we need. But a few hundred dollars later we now have even more things we really didn't need! We're done now though, I swear! Although I may buy more clothes. He definitely does NOT need anymore clothes, in fact I'm sure he couldn't wear all the ones he has already. But I am a girl and I want to pick some out myself. He'll have his mommy and daddy's style at least until he's old enough and developes his own unique style. And the nursery is 100% complete too, curtains and all. We are pretty proud with the way it turned out. I also purchased a portable CD player with headphones so I can play the baby some music and have the headphones right on my belly for his optimal listening pleasure. What will I play him? Bryan's old band, 60 Cycle, CD's of course! Start 'em young and start 'em right!

I think the only thing left to do is just to clean everything. His clothes, his blankets and sheets, the bottles...all that stuff and we'll be ready!

And look at these "so cool I can die" shoes he has curtesy of ME! And I know I've heard it all before....babies don't really wear shoes, they kick them off, etc, etc...but these are soft soled shoes that all my mom friends swear by. Believe it or not they do stay on and they encourage proper foot and muscle development unlike hard soled shoes. Pediatricians say the best thing is for your child to remain barefoot until they are 2 years old but since that isn't practical, these are the next best thing.

You can read about the benefits of soft-soled shoes here and check out the shoes below.

Cute baby punk with a nice happy faced skull Posted by Hello

A larger size for when he's a little older. The more "mature" punk version. Posted by Hello