Thursday, September 29, 2005

Lists of firsts

You know those moms who can tell you the exact day, time and second their child first said a word or took a step or pooped in something other than a diaper? They can do this 50 years AFTER it happened and remember it so vividly that they can tell you how hot it was outside, what day of the week it was and what they had for dinner that night.


I cannot remember what happened yesterday. This is why I blog. So I can LOOK IT UP.

So here you will find all of Julian's "firsts." We don't have much yet but it's a start. Some will include links to delightful little posts about said event. A link to this post will be permanently displayed on the right hand side under Julian Links and updated accordingly.

Julian's List of Firsts:

Smiled: In his sleep right from the get go, while alert from 1 month and 1 day old. August 12, 2005
Rolled Tummy to Back: 11 weeks and 3 days. September 29, 2005
Real Out Loud Giggle: Early November, 2005
Rolled Back to Tummy: Early November, 2005
Sat up Alone: 1 day shy of 4 months November 10, 2005
Crawled: Just under 7 months on 2/5/06 Super bowl sunday
Ate Solid Food: 1/11/06
First Tooth: 1/31/06
Bathed in big tub alone: 2/19/06
Stood Unassisted:
First Step:
Spoke word:
Slept through the night:
Dressed himself:
Potty time:
No more diaper during the day:
No more diapers at night:
Wrote Name:


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