Tuesday, June 21, 2005

OB appointment at 36 weeks and 6 days

Blood pressure - OK
Urine - OK
Weight - 2 pounds (boooooh!)
Baby's Heart Rate - OK
Measurement - 40 1/2 weeks
Effacement - 50% (and he said this was being generous)
Dilated - 0 cm

Everything is A-O-K but it sure looks like this baby isn't coming any time soon. NO dilation, barely effaced and he said "the baby is still way the hell up there." Dr's words exactly. Not really what I wanted to hear. I asked if I would definitely know when he dropped and he said possibly, I'd be peeing more and will be able to eat more too. Ummmm, eat more?? You know that really isn't a problem for me right now. I heard of many pregnant women getting full very quickly and then hungry shortly after but you know, me not so much. I don't get full AND I'm hungry starving every hour already. And pullleeeze don't make me pee any more!

He said he'll definitely be in the 8 lb range and if it goes beyond my due date, I'm sure we'll be in the 9's by then. And if it get's closer and he hasn't dropped then he'll have to find out why, meaning maybe he won't fit, maybe I don't have an 8 lb pelvis (although he's mentioned in the past that I could easily handle it). But as of right now, no concerns.

We're officially full-term tomorrow (anywhere from 37 - 42 weeks is normal). So I just wanted to say one thing to my son...feel free to come out WHENEVER you want. TOMORROW would be fine and actually there is still time left TODAY. Today is looking better for me but no PRESSURE OR ANYTHING!

*update* - Oh we had a nice surprise today. Bryan's office threw him a little baby shower and they gave us the high chair we had registered for. It's really nice too. We had decided to hold off on it at this point but if someone else is gonna buy it then heck yeah!


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