Sunday, February 26, 2006

Our shop

Have you ever noticed how cool J is? (Us, biased? Yes, we can't deny that.)

Especially when he wears cool bibs like this:

Green Robot bib - alright he looks a little more "duh" than "cool" in this picture but nice bib, eh?

Or a killer onesie like here:

Blue Skull Onesie

And espeiclally when wearing a t-shirt like this one?

Mom in heart t-shirt
(Not shown is the Daddy's Boy t-shirt)

Well he is able to look this cool thanks to our new baby shop. That's right, Bryan and I just can't sit still. Always working on the next big thing. We started this shop recently for some supplemental income in lieu of my former full-time work (and no, the salaries don't even compare). But it's virtually no expense to us and loads of fun. We come up with the designs and watch the money roll in...maybe more like trickle in but coming in none the less!! February is our first month and we've had way more sales than we anticipated. We're hoping it only goes up from here.

So what we'd love for you to do is to check us out and keep us in mind when you are in the market for bibs, onesies and baby t-shirts (for some reason the song "Ain't too proud to beg" keeps popping into my head). And spread the word! Marketing is expensive but talk is cheap - free even. We also offer shirts and sweatshirts for older kids and Moms and Dads. We also take custom requests so if you have a design or saying in mind, let us know and we'll put it on a shirt. "J is the coolest and most handsome baby in the entire world and his parents are even better" would look great on a t-shirt! Best of all, our prices are decent. Baby stuff under $10. For now at least until we are big time then we'll be jacking the prices up :)

And we got you, because none of you can say you don't know any babies to buy for! Ha!! What's really cool is that after being open for less than a month, our store has been featured on a little site, Cool Mom Sh*t. We didn't even have to bribe them! We don't even know them! Click HERE to read the article.

But seriously, check us out. Even more seriously, buy.

Ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'
Please don't leave me girl, don't you go
Ain't to proud to plead, baby, baby ...


He really is THAT cute.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well-Baby and a very late V-day

Let me get caught up. First, Happy Valentine's Day! Bryan and I have a Valentine's Day tradition of not celebrating Valentine's Day on the 14th. So this year we celebrated Valentine's day on the 15th. Although on Tuesday I did get very lovely tulips, my favorite, delivered to the house.

Bryan got a replacement Lucky In Love Bamboo plant delivered to the office. That has sentimental value to it which he seemed to appreciate. Wednesday night, the 15th, my Mom and Dad (Mom Mom and Pop Pop) came over to babysit and we hit up Little Italy. And can you keep a secret? I trialed dairy. A LOT of dairy, way more than I anticipated. Hey they said he could outgrow it by 6 - 12 months so how will I know unless I try right? Not only did I eat my favorite meal from my favorite Italian restaraunt which contained sausage (hidden dairy) but I ate their killer house salad which contains cheese in their dressing.

But why stop there?

We wanted to go to Vaccaro's for coffee but we should have known better, you can't go into the best Italian bakery and not get dessert. I was craving some Italian Coconut cookies which I'm not sure of the ingredients but they are half dipped in chocolate and I'm sure there is either butter or milk, some kind of dairy product and possibly (most likely?) egg. Oops, guess that was 2 trials. But you know me, I don't like to mess around so what the heck, let's throw in a cannoli. A chocolate chip in a chocolate dipped shell cannoli. Now that's a dairy trial.

I didn't notice any issues with it but I kind of think there could be a delayed reaction or if I was to continue eating dairy daily we may run into trouble. That was a one time splurge and I'll wait a few weeks, or months, before doing it again. Or until I happen to end up in Little Italy again. I will say the guilt was overwhelming for a few feeding sessions so not something I'm really tempted to do again.

My other Valentine and I celebrated by hitting up Mother Goose on the Loose story time. The love is in the air.

He even took a minute out of his busy work day to pose for a picture. How sweet.

Now to current day....

He went in for his well-baby although I'm not sure which month appointment this was supposed to be. His last 6 month one was on 1.13 and I was told to come back in 7 - 8 weeks. I told the girl this when I made the appointment and she put me down for today. When I showed up the nurse was asking me which appointment this was supposed to be since I was just there about 5 weeks ago. If I actually thought for a second instead of being so distracted and spacey, I would have caught this when the girl made my appointment. Fortunately they didn't try to send us home.

He weighed in at 20 lbs even and 29". This keeps him at the 75% range for weight and 90% for height although she didn't have him very straight when measuring him. It was just about 1/4" growth since the last appointment but even the doctor said the height isn't very accurate at this age for that reason so I think he's still more like 95% for height.

Everything else was routine. His ear infections healed perfectly (ha! with no antibiotics!) and he is healthy overall. We are getting a referral to a Urologist because, not to be too graphic, but some of his circumcision came a little....uncircumcized I guess for lack of a better term. It's common in chubby babies and we were told about it but didn't know we had to keep up on it for the rest of his life. We thought just until the doc said it healed up nicely. This is one reason why circumcisions are becoming less and less common these days and I see why. Poor thing, I felt bad enough doing it once and now he has to go in for a tune up.

I actually felt a little rushed at this appointment, there were a few minor questions I had that we didn't get to. Much to Julian's dismay they did have time for his shots. These were his 6 months shots and I think we're all caught up now. He didn't handle these as well as the last ones but no side effects at all so far. I don't give him any Tylenol either unless he gets a fever or acts like there is pain but he had neither. He got the flu shot and I was really hesitant because of the egg but since his allergic reactions are GI and not anaphalactic I thought the risk of the flu was worse than the risk of a yucky diaper. I think getting the shots bothered him so much today because he was way late for a nap and already fussy. I was warned that today's shots were the ones, if any, would cause fever and fussiness throughout the night. I actually think they injected him with some happy juice because he was so cheerful this evening. That's about it, his next appointment isn't for another 3 months. Good, we can use the break!

I figured I've spared you from the poop talk recently but you can use an update. Once we introduced solids he now only poops every 3 days as opposed to 3+ times a day which is completely normal for a breastfed baby especially mixed with solids. He's not constipated, you know that by the texture of the stool. But I rather change 3 poopy diapers a day than this massive explosive thing we have on the 3rd day that requires a fire truck to hose him down. Plus a complete change of clothes and a head to toe bath. But I must say cloth diapers (Fuzzibuns) do sooooo much better at actually keeping the poop in, in our case at least. Now I make sure he has them on every 3rd day. It's also hard to say if it looks normal since solids can make it all funky (and stinky, hello, what the heck??)

I'm assuming since he isn't going as much that means the allergy thing is OK. At first he seemed to have difficulty with the new textured poop but now he seems to be used to passing the slightly thicker matter more comfortably. But he has been spitting up a lot the last week or so. He only does this when he has a sensitivity to something. Because I've been so crazy with the food, I have no idea what it can be. It could be his solids or something I'm eating. Top suspects for his food: Sweet Potato and Carrots (which he loves) My top suspects: Coffee (which is 90% decaf), OJ, diary/soy free chocolate, potatoes (I've been eating fries by the troft-ful) or my ahem, minor dairy trial on Vday. But the spit up was here before my dairy trial, all the more reason why I shouldn't have done it. As of today we're going through a detox, as I like to call it. Solids are on hold for him and I'm not eating the suspects until the spit up ceases. He hasn't done it today so I'm thinking one of those is definitely the cause since in the past it comes and goes as quickly as the offending food. I'll reintro those one at a time, slooowly.

I need to be more structured with his solids introduction which I didn't want to be but we really need to. I did see a speck of blood last week but he strained that day and I was kinda thinking it could have been a fissure from the straining. Haven't seen it since. I guess all in all our diets are pretty good. I am still loving the variety and being able to go out to eat. This allowed Julian and I to meet Bryan for lunch yesterday. I'm still dairy/soy/egg and nut free and we'll be introducing solids based on a chart I was given for Infants with Allergies. He doesn't seem to miss the solids too much, he doesn't like many of them anyway plus they don't need them for the first year anyway. He only seems to really like carrots, avocado and rice cereal. Oh and I think zuchini/squash but he only had that once before solids went on hold. He does better when he feeds himself as opposed to use spooning him mashed up food. He's too mature for that, what do you think he's a baby or something??

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day Good Looking

Monday, February 13, 2006


Yesterday Julian got to experience his first real snow. The few flakes that fell on us as we left Old Navy back in December don't count. I had just packed up his cousin's snow suit thinking it was going to go unused this year. We were outside for a total of about 5 minutes and Julian had the usual whatever look on his face. And what a darn cute face it is.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Julian Ridley: Month 7 - Special Daddy Edition

Holy smokes babe, do you want to accomplish anything else right now?? I normally think about these letters throughout the month and I was starting to wonder if I'd have anything new to report. You pulled it all out in the end. First a tooth shows up. Then you are actually doing a full fledged crawl. Then another tooth shows up and you can sit up from being on your stomach. Who needs a boppy for support these days! And? As soon as you could crawl you immediately began standing up. You instantly crawl over to anything that could remotely support you and pull yourself up. You then proceed to let go but unfortunately your strength and balance aren't quite as strong as your determination. View this clip on Vimeo

All of this flipped my world upside down. One day I'm able to set you down and leave the room and come back to find you generally in the same area. But now not only do I have to worry about you crawling to your death but running behind you with my arms outstretched since you insist on constantly standing using the most unstable objects. I don't know what to do with you if I need to lets say, go to the bathroom! All of the "baby containers" I used to rely on for a few worry free minutes like a swing or bouncy chair are out of the question. You got places to go, no seatbelt is gonna hold you back. I thought I could still cook dinner with you safely in your bouncy behind me until I looked back to find you swinging from the toy bar after you managed to shimmy your way out of the safety strap. You know how many mini-heart attacks you've given me in this past week alone? I don't know where to put you down for a nap anymore! I hear you wake up on the monitor then you become suspiciously quiet. I run up to the room to find you standing on the bed after you used the bedrails as a hoist which you are leaning over helping yourself to anything within reach. The crib is the same way, not that you would sleep in it but so much for putting you in there while I do a load of laundry. Not until we move the mattress down at least.

I've since tried to get you to take your naps on the floor but that doesn't seem to last very long even when you are out like a light.

You no longer have interest in your toys. No, your new play things of choice are dog bones, electrical wires and outlets. Nothing is safe from your mouth.

Please promise me we'll make it to your first birthday. I'm already planning it. The dogs are pretty upset they can no longer escape your reach. While Jolie can be rough and a big pain in the butt, I gotta give it to her. She is extremely gentle and patient with you allowing you to rip chunks of hair out with only a soft glance to you as if to say "please don't do that" when she really could turn and bite your arm off.

She even lets you play tug of war with her and she hardly pulls but with us she'll not only pull us off the couch but she'll chomp down on our hands. She must know one false move with you and she's homeless.

You seem to be a lot less sensitive to foods these days which makes for a very happy Mama. I can eat somewhat normally again and even out of the house. You probably forgot what it was like going to restaurants until recently. With the proper play things to keep you entertained you are great in restaurants. You've even learned to drink from a straw. Speaking of foods you've also started solids this month to which your reception has not been too pleasant. So far it looks like avocado might be your favorite.

And I use the term favorite very loosely. Honestly I think your favorite is the rice cereal after your initial attempt. Of all the great flavors you've had like apple, banana, avocado, pear and sweet potato, plain old rice cereal is what you want. You must have a sensitive palate like your Mama. We're working on broadening your taste buds but that gag reflex you've got makes this pretty difficult yet very entertaining.

Most babies this age start to say ma-ma, ba-ba, ga-ga and so on. I think ba-ba came first but when I would try to get you to say ma-ma it would come out like goo-blah-ah-uh-mumbo-jumbo. Daddy turns to you and asks you to say pa-pa and as clear as day pa-pa comes out on your first try. But that's OK if you want to skip over mama. It's not like this is a competition or anything. It's totally fine if you rather not say the name of the person that changes almost all of your diapers, wakes up with you 600 times a night, calms all of your tantrums and gives her complete heart and soul to you. Pa-pa is A.O.K with me, like I said no competition here. Nope! FINE BY ME! (but so help me God Mama isn't your first word you will see just how important I am when suddenly mama isn't gonna come when you call and I'll just turn to you and say "Oh I'm sorry are you talking to me? I wouldn't know since you didn't say my name.") Get working on it boy. (But no pressure.)

Speaking of Papa there are a few things I want to make sure you are aware of. As you know I write your monthly letters and in between updates so everything has my skewed perspective. I try to keep it mostly about what you are up to but I need you to know you are your Papa's pride and joy. He is such a great father to you and I know you feel it. He initiated your nighttime routine which consists of play and story time as well as bath time. He looks forward to these evening hours all day long. And by this time of the day you are starting to breakdown so it's not always your most pleasant time. But Papa loves every minute of it. You don't like any substitution either. I had to fill in on bath duty one night and I made the horrible mistake of setting you down while I got your water ready. You exploded into the most horrendous fit I've ever seen and to make matters worse, as you SAW ME COMING BACK to get you, you whipped yourself backward hitting your head on the ground so you could not only say I emotionally scarred you from this abandonment but physically as well. I didn't know Papa would never dare do such a thing as you two are inseparable every step of the way. I won't make that same mistake twice; from now on you come get your bath water ready with me.

Papa also wants a play by play of every minute of every day. He wishes he could spend it all with you but he's out working hard for the family. I call and tell him about something you did and if I happened to get pictures he demands for them to be emailed to him immediately. He doesn't want to wait until he gets home. He also takes great care of you in the mornings before work. We all started getting up together to have family time before he heads off but there have been many days he knew I needed a break and would take care of you before leaving for a full work day.

I know you love him as much as he loves you too. There is no replacement for Papa he is the only one who can make you laugh the way you do.

He knows just how to roughhouse with you too. When I "throw" you up in the air your little body never leaves my hands and I hardly get a smirk out of you. When Papa throws you up, he really throws you up and you erupt with laughter. He's constantly working on new tricks with you which you just love. One of your latest is the in-air 360. While I just sit by and hold my breath you two squeal and giggle with delight.

I have previously mentioned that Papa likes to play his guitar for you playing either his version of a nursery rhyme or a Papa original written just for you. You are in heaven when he plays for you.

You were facing me once while he was tuning his guitar and as soon as he started really playing you couldn't turn around fast enough to rush to your front row seat. You smile and look as though you want to clap along. But lately you don't want to just be a spectator, you want in on the action. You climb up Papa and take over the guitar.

I hope the love of music and playing guitar is something you both can share forever. You know have your very own guitar that was your Papa's first guitar. While you aren't quite ready for lessons, this one is more your size and you can play along side Papa.

I don't think you will ever doubt how much your Papa loves you; I just wanted to make sure you knew about these times that will eventually fade from your memory.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Julian's second tooth came in late Monday. They are sharp and yes they hurt.

Show me some skin

Mellow Yellow

Say it with me, eeewwww. No wonder he's always sick.

Monkey man

Mmmm, nylon