Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You're Two

So it's been a very long time since I've last updated but I thought you're second birthday was a special enough occasion for me to blow the dust off this thing.
Just a few of the things you do:

- You can count to 12, when you're in the mood of course. But in fact the same day I announced you could count to three, you surprised me by lining up and counting eleven clothes pins without assistance.

- Colors? Puh-leeze you got those in the bag

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- You selectively pick out the letters you decide you want to know. M is by far your favorite, P, Y, X, A, F, O, B, and C are close behind

- You love to now jump off our bed. Before it was just sofa shenanigans and jumping ON the bed but now you like to leap off. This is really quite impressive because our bed is about 12 feet off the ground. The first time your daddy saw you do it he said "that's nuts!" to which you replied "more nuts!" and repeated the jump endlessly.

- We're in that everything is a hat stage and it really is literally everything - pottys, swings, if it's not nailed down, it's a hat.

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- You still nurse a lot

- You can pretty much understand any direction. Your Pop was stuck on the pot with no toilet paper. Out of curiosity I asked you to go get some for Daddy. Without hesitation, you ran into the bathroom where he was and went right for the toilet paper and then realized it was gone. You immediately, with such an urgent look in your eye, ran to the upstairs bathroom and grabbed a roll and brought it right down to him. You're now our little gopher, we've been waiting a long time for this.

- You know how to BS. We'll ask you questions all the time which you can normally answer but when you can't, you don't even pause you just throw out any nonsense and make it sound like you know just what you are talking about. Your standard response when you don't know is "Ah-pee-tee." Oh right, it's ah-pee-tee. Gotcha.

- Sippy cups are becoming a thing of the past. Hands optional.

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- You still have yet to sleep through an entire night, never thought I'd be waiting over two years for this.

- You are now constantly saying "oooohhh" when you've come to the realization about something. The other day while reading you were going to point out the various insects like you normally do. You got to the ant, which you've named a billion times and you would start to speak, then stop. Start, stop. You seemed confused. You then shouted out "on-yion" which is your word for ambulance. I corrected you and said "ant" and a look of relief came over your face and said "ooooooh ant!"

- You help me make my coffee every day, scooping out the beans as we count them and you get excited to push the "big red but (button)" to start the grinder. You must stir and keeping asking me to add more milk.

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- You're doing well with the potty training as previously mentioned but I think we still have a long way to go.

- You eat entirely way too much sand, by the shovelful. You know it’s wrong and you know it drives me crazy. Please stop.

- You're officially a Daddy's boy right now. You get so upset when he leaves for work and I can't mention him during the day without you saying "Daddy home soon" repeatedly for the following 3 hours.

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- You love singing the two little red bird song with me and are now very good at the quiet and loud parts.

- You always were a sweet, cuddly and loving baby but hearing you clearly express things like "I missed you Daddy," "I love you Mommy," "I'm sorry Daddy" and "Bless you Mommy" has more of an overwhelming effect on us than you can ever imagine. I guess that is pretty much true for the entire last two years. I'm not gonna say they were always easy but if I'm gonna raise someone, I'm sure glad it's you.

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Happy 2nd my love.