Saturday, July 02, 2005

Next time

First off, let me get this clear, that should read "IF there is a next time," We’re not completely sold yet. But I often wonder what I would do differently next pregnancy and I really don't think I would do much.

The top thing would be to worry less. I really don't feel I worried TOOOO much for which I'm proud but I would like to worry even less next time. There just is no point especially when pregnancy "rules" change from year to year and so much is out of your hands. In my opinion. It's funny because the last week or so I've probably worried the most and I think it's because I have nothing else to do. I am just feeling unmotivated with the pregnancy now...umm I'm a little over it at this point! So I worry that I'm going to suddenly mess it up but I haven't been doing anything differently than I've done thus far. It's just funny how I hear some pregnant women talking about it’s "such a blessing, blah blah blah" up til the day they deliver. Yeah it's great, yeah it's a blessing but I'm not one for sugar coating, it can be a pain so let's be real. And I don't even have any complaints, nothing is hurting me at the moment, nothing is bothering me, I'm just ready to MOVE ON!

Getting back on track. I would say I'd like to not gain so much weight next time but I happened to enjoy eating like a pig. And it's weird because before I was pregnant I actually ate quite healthy and splurged on special occasions (and still probably more than I should have). It wasn't a daily event like now. So I got a lot of enjoyment out of the last 38 weeks. 100 pounds of enjoyment (not quite there YET, I do have almost 2 more weeks!). The only thing I think I would change is completely out of my control, I do NOT want to have 24/7 morning sickness for 20 weeks. And that is a big reason why I gained most of my weight...what else will happen when you can only keep pizza and McDonald's down??? So maybe if I'm sick next time I'd try to find a couple other lower-fat and healthier alternatives that don't make me vomit. AND if I am not sick next time I'd like to keep exercising throughout the pregnancy. But being rendered practically bed ridden for the first 20 weeks, it kind of got me out of the whole "work out" thing. Yeah I was just pretty focused on dying or at least sleeping continuously for 5 months straight. Oh one big thing is I'd block out comments a little better. Everyone always has their opinions on what I should or shouldn't be doing or should or shouldn't be eating so I wish I could have let them roll off my back a little better instead of getting so frustrated. Not that I would listen to anyone who wasn't my doctor, I still let it get to me.

So do I feel like I've messed up throughout the pregnancy? Nope. Do I feel guilty for anything I've done? Nope. Do I worry I could have caused some unforeseen problem with my child or his development while I carried him by any possible yet unintentional negligence on my part? Nope. Whatever happens at this point was going to happen.

There you have it, I feel I was the best pregnant person I could have been and I'm darn proud. Now get him out of me!


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