Friday, January 13, 2006

6 month well-baby

At our 6 month well-baby we found out our baby is well...doing well. He is now a long, lean, lovin' machine. He's 28 3/4 inches tall putting him at 97% and 18 lbs - 8 oz dropping him down to the 75% range. And the pea head is still a pea at 50%.

Julian puts on the best show at the doctors. I must say he seems to like our guy. He is always extra happy and extra playful when we go. He got his 4 month vaccinations today since we're 2 months behind. An unintentional delayed scheduling of sorts. He handled his shots so well and I must say I handled it better this time around as well. He didn't cry until his 2nd shot and stopped immediately after the 4th and final when I got to really love on him. It helped she was super quick too. No fever, no fussing just the pleasant Julian we always have. He did however, take a 2 hour nap about an hour after we got home. He probably would have slept much longer if SOMEONE didn't go poking around because HE missed him. But even before the appointment Julian had almost 2 hour nap, with no intervention on my part. Maybe it was just a good day for sleep. If only we could have a good NIGHT for sleep too.

He is still recovering from his cold and still has a pretty bad cough. I forgot to mention after 2 doses we ditched the antibiotics. As we all know antibiotics are way over prescribed, they are handed out like candy even when they aren't really needed. Bodies can be very good at fighting off infections so it's best to save the Rx for when it really warrants. We didn't like the idea of dumping antibiotics into him for something the doctor called "minor." So the day after they were prescribed I called his doctor to find out if he really thought they were necessary to which he informed me they weren't. Case in point...if they weren't necessary then why were they prescribed?? Anyway, since Julian didn't seem to be bothered by his ears very much, if anything it was more the congestion, and we had his doctors blessing so we didn't feel it was worth it. We rather just use something more gentle to treat the pain if there was any pain. I knew we were going back to the doctor today anyway so if it really needed the medicine we would have found out today. Which the doctor still said it's fine to skip the antibiotics.

For "minor" things I prefer to take more of a holistic approach with Julian. Something I wish I have done more for myself. Having Julian to care for and this wonderful job of reading ALL food lables really made me aware of how much junk goes into our bodies. I knew of a few natural remedies for ear infections, such as olive oil in the ear as I have vivid memories being young myself with my head tilted to the side as my mom poured in the oil. But also breastmilk is used to treat tons of infections from ears to pink eye. This is the dosage information we've been following:

If a child does develop an ear infection a simple solution is to put a few drops of breast milk in the ear canal every few hours. This usually works to clear up the infection within 24 to 48 hours and is far safer, less expensive and a better solution than putting the child on antibiotics.

Well it didn't seem to "clear up the infection" yet but at the very least it prevented it from getting worse. Or maybe it's doing nothing at all which then means the body is doing just fine on it's own.


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