Sunday, December 11, 2005

Julian Ridley: Month 5

I know I always say this but this time I mean it, you literally grew up over night. You really haven't developed any new major skills but it's like you aren't a baby anymore. You actually want to do things on your own. You want to sit up on your own, you want to get from one place to the next on your own, and you definitely want to eat on your own. And none of this liquid diet stuff, you want food, real food just like we eat. And you don't mind helping yourself trying to swipe it right from our plates. One way to get you to stop fussing is to stand in front of you and eat. You are mesmerized by the process. I can litterally see your wheels turning inside of your head with everything now. Your every move seems very well thought out. Gone are the days of random limbs flying around, it's all a part of your big plan.

Jolie and Valentine always put a smile on your face. You will stop dead in your tracks and give them a huge grin when they come running into the room. You still make us earn your smiles but them, they just have to look at you. Although we have figured out a few fool proof ways to garauntee some giggles out of you. These laughs make everything better with the world. You even recognize us more and more, you know we are the ones that will do everything to take care of you. And somedays if we are lucky, all we have to do is walk into the room to get a smile.

You just started jumping in our laps (just in time for the Jumparoo Santa will be bringing you). Another one of your favorite things to do is to dive OUT of our laps. You just dive head first breaking free from our grasp. You don't care where you land, the point is that you got there yourself. You are in the midst of the typical distractible infant phase. This makes nursing quite an event. Sometimes you stop nursing to look up at me and smile. This melts my heart. But then other times you stop nursing because you heard a noise or you saw a light or a stranger walked by or you just want to know what the random lady at Target is doing way over there. Any little old thing peaks your interest and you forget what you were doing. There is so much to take in now.

You've also learned to play our games with us. When you are nursing you put your hand in my mouth and pull it away and smile. Put it back in my mouth and pull it away, in mouth, pull away. Just as we do when we pretend to eat your hands which always makes you laugh. You also play peek-a-boo with me when you are in the sling. You repeatedly bury your head down and pull it up really fast and look at me showing your gummy grin. Well your gummy grin may not be gummy for long. You've been teething for quite a while. You are a little drool factory and can't get enough things in your mouth. You will chomp down on anything and everything.

You are also a little "too" these days. A little too strong, a little too smart, a little too curious and a little too determined. What does this mean? Your dad and I are a little too screwed. You will be keeping us on our toes that's for sure. But no matter how independent you become, you are always going to be my baby. I'll always be right by waiting to jump in if you need help. But from the looks of it, you never will.



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