Monday, November 14, 2005

Well-Baby 4 Month

It was beautiful out today so we decided to hike it and I thought he would sleep in the sling on the way over. I was trying to avoid a very cranky baby at the doctors. Despite lack of sleep, he was wonderful.

He had a great appointment. I was concerned he didn't gain that much weight because his spare tire isn't much of a spare anymore and I'm constantly afraid of malabsorption with his chronic diarrhea (not that I really thought there was need for concern but you know me, might as well worry anyway!). He didn't gain as much as usual, less than 3 pounds in the last 2 months. In previous months he gained 3 pounds in 1 month. But currently at 17 pounds even, still puts him in the 90% range. It is a drop from previously being in the 95%. I love when he's in the 90's, it reassures me he's doing alright. He grew almost 3 inches, 2 3/4 to be exact so he's now 27 1/2" which is still 95%. AND fortunately his head grew since last time I got all freaked because his pea head was only in the 50% which is kinda weird since the rest of him was 95%. Now it's in the 75%, I think he's just destined to have a lil ol' head.

The doctor said his development seems more like a 5 or 6 month old. Again, eases my mind since I'm all paranoid about the whole Failure to Thrive thing with his GI distress. I think Julian knew I had to fill out the chart with all of his accomplished milestones because he was putting on a show, making sure none of his talents went unnoticed. He's been very active lately by my GOODNESS someone must have slipped him some espresso beans before the appointment. He was rolling over non-stop on the exam table making it difficult to do anything. And the exam table paper was in shreds by the time we left.

He's got my knack for giving dirty looks though. It's like a reflex, I can't control it and it seems to have passed on to him. The doc would be talking to him and Julian would give him this look like "Are you kidding me?" Ahhh, that's my boy!

We didn't get into the GI stuff too much, I got the feeling he is more comfortable letting the GI specialist take the lead. I don't blame him. As long as he's growing as well as he is, the ped is happy. As previously mentioned his vaccinations are on hold for the moment so we didn't have to deal with that today. He said he seemed OK with his cold, like ears, lungs those sort of organs. The doc also thinks he's teething from the amount of drool and the way he was mouthing stuff. I don't put too much weight into that since this has been going on for a month now and you can teeth for a few months. I'm not expecting a little pearly white to show up tomorrow.

So this rolling over thing, I'd like it to stop now. It was cool the first 5,300 times but now I actually have to pay attention. I can't lay him down to play, then leave the room, eat dinner and watch a movie and then go back to him and expect him to be in the same place. Just kidding by the way, he was never left unattended like that, just seeing if you are paying attention. But seriously he's a mad man! What happened to my mellow mini-sloth? This is like, work now. I remember some of you telling me to enjoy my pregnancy because it won't ever be that easy again and I'm all like "la, la, la, I can't hear you!" with fingers in my ears. Hehe, um, sorry, you were right. I wish instead of them closing me up with staples they put a zipper in so I could just tuck him back in there for a breather every now and then.

He is a big ball of fun though. A big, HEALTHY ball of fun.


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