Thursday, November 24, 2005

Delayed gratification is my middle name

Bryan and I had made a pact to never buy any of that obnoxious, huge, plastic baby stuff. It was bad enough we ended up with a swing in our house. Not only would it clutter up our house but I feel most of that stuff is a big scam by the man, making you think you need all those bells and whistles for your child's "development." Honestly I feel they don't need any of that and that it could take away from valuable bonding, parent interaction and real life learning.

My mom and I went to Babies R Us last Sunday to finish up a little Xmas shopping for the wee one. He was with us so I thought I would try him in the Jumparoo I was planning on getting him. But before that I decided I wanted to see what he'd do if I put him in an obnoxious, huge, plastic baby thing otherwise known as an exersaucer. OH MY GOD. I've never seen a face turn from bewilderment to such an extatic look of joy so quickly. Here is my credit card because THIS BABY IS SOLD!!! Yeah, I'm a huge sucker. I didn't want to take him out. I think he was thinking "finally, this is what I've been waiting for. I can stand up and play all on my own!! Oh exersaucer where have you been the last 4 months of my life."

My mom bet me he'd have it before Christmas but I insisted he wouldn't. He needed Christmas presents, this wasn't something he had to have now. Umm, yeah we put it together that night for him. I went home and told Bryan how excited Julian was in it and of course he wanted to see and of course I wanted to see it again and next thing you know our house is now cluttered up with big, primary colored plastic stuff. But when Julian is in it, it looks so much better.

Hey, at least I didn't give him the Jumparoo too, now that one I'm saving for Christmas. I think...there is a whole month until then.


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