Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Dare I say....

That I “think” we are ready for the baby?!? Well let me clarify, I think we have all of the necessities for the baby at least for the first few weeks. As far as mentally ready…that’s another story! We decided to wait on buying a highchair since he won’t use it for a good 5 months or so and even then I think we decided to get a booster seat one that attaches to a regular chair. We’ve seen a couple we like and need all the space saving we can get. Speaking of space saving, we also decided against the pack n’ play. Everyone I talked to only used their pack n’play while they were still small enough to use the basinet portion. After that it became an oversized toy box. But we really don’t have the space for one regardless of how we rearrange the house. Unless we’re willing to give up our couch for it which I don’t think we’re ready to do. We still may want something to act as a bassinette for downstairs for the first few months but neither of us are really crazy over bassinettes. Is there a functional reason why all of this stuff is so frilly? I rather just get a moses basket but think something out of the dogs reach would be best. We’re still thinking on that one.

But we have a small supply of infant medicines and emergency care, the bath products, diapers, bottles (even though I’ll be nursing but hoping to pump for Bryan to do some feedings) car seat and stroller...I think we may be good to go! Everything else we should be able to get on an as-need basis. If not, we’ll soon find out!


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