Friday, May 26, 2006

Making up for lost time with photos!

I've been slacking in my update duties so now I give you photos! Lots of them!

Bryan had asked when Julian will start using a pillow...

...I guess Julian says now! This is how I found him when I came to bed a few weeks ago.

Pure handsomeness

I'm starting to think he can actually read.

I gave Julian those little dippers to see if he was interested in using a utensil himself. It lasted about 3 seconds before he realized you get more food faster when using your hands.

At the park with our friend Lola and her son Max.

Max was so cute, he took a stick and leaf out of Julian's hand and told him he shouldn't eat those then threw them really far away so he couldn't get them again.

4_13_06 (6)

Hair all flapping in the breeze.


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