Thursday, March 30, 2006

The eyes have it

Click here to watch Julian not doing anything interesting but acting silly and getting very excited when he finds his brush.

I've been meaning to write about Julian's eye appointment. He did well and they even put the drops in his eyes which I wasn't pleased with but it really didn't seem to bother him one bit. The office was cool, a very fun and vibrant Pediatric Ophthalmology office with a huge germ play area. But waiting for 1 1/2 hours after they put the drops in his eyes, even though it only takes 30 minutes for the drops to fully dilate the eyes, the office quickly became a very ugly, horrible place to be. It was sooo past naptime but considering we were there for over 3 hours, Julian did darn well. I was the cranky one.

Basically he confirmed it's the bridge of his nose covering part of the white causing it to look like his eye is turned in. He said he is tracking everything well, looking straight ahead and no other vision issues other than farsightedness which all babies are. He did say we should come back in 3 months to make sure he's still tracking everything OK incase the cross-eye is intermittent. I haven't made the appointment yet and not sure I'm going to. I never thought it was an intermittent issue so if he didn't see anything during that appointment I don't think he will in 3 months. I'll probably just wait for another annual appointment. Even I don't feel the need to be that cautious right now. It was a long and annoying day but I always feel peace of mind is worth a $30 copay.

We have another fun family weekend ahead of us. Bryan, Julian, Nana and I will be heading up to see Bryan's Grandmother, Aunt, Uncle and cousins. We're looking forward to visiting with everyone but I can't say I'm really looking forward to the drive! It will be a fun time though and very worth it. They haven't seen Julian since last Summer. He's a much different boy these days!

We had great weather today so we went to the park with a friend and her kids. I actually started up a playgroup that will meet at this park every Thursday beginning next week. It should be a lot of fun since it's most of my mom friends and it ensures that I get out of my least once a week :)


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