Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Where we're at now

Julian has a GI appointment this Friday although I'm not that hopeful they will tell us anything we don't already know. I will not put him through any kind of evasive testing until we've exhausted all dietary options first. I'm sure they will suggest the same diet changes and mention formula but I know they prefer mom's to keep breastfeeding as long as the babies are thriving. But we really don't have much of a choice at this point since Julian still refuses to take a bottle. We'd have to feed him formula with a dropper, while I pumped to keep up my supply so that itself would be a 24x7 job, one that I just can't take on right now.

The hardcore elimination diet I was on has gotten more hardcore, if that was possible. I have now gone from an Elimination Diet to the Dr. Sears TOTAL Elimination Diet. I thought I discovered that McDonald french fries were safe which would have been my saving grace but Julian had a tough time after I ate them so I'm taking them off the list. Turns out they are not only cooked in soy oil but also contain corn and beef extracts. I am pretty sure dairy/soy/eggs and corn are problems for him, the rest we're still trying to determine! I joined a Parents of Food Allergic Kids online support forum, specifically their breastfeeding group. It's full of information, support and great ideas from parents in the same situation that have experience dealing with this. It was almost more discouraging at first to hear what everyones kids are allergic too, things I never would have dreamed of and the thought that Julian could be the same was pretty upsetting! What's more amazing, they were actually able to diagnose it through months and months of diet elimination.

So on this "TED" I no longer eat chicken, pork...actually it's probably easier to say what I DO eat: all-natural turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yellow and green squash and pears. I use olive oil for cooking, no longer use pepper and found out that most iodized salts are processed with dextrose (corn) so had to switch to Sea Salt. The TED also recommends rice but I suspect it's bad for Julian so not doing that. I might introduce Millet in a couple of weeks. If we're still having problems, pears will be the next thing to go. Yes, I eat turkey and potatoes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Today I had ground turkey mixed in with hashbrowns for breakfast. Actually very good. We'll see how good it is after the 100th day in a row of it. I just need to get creative with the way I cook this stuff. I guess I can really only change the shape of the foods since I can't add any ingredients!

I already braced Bryan for a very unhappy Thanksgiving on my part where I'll be eating my own meal at home. I did give Bryan the OK to go gorge himself on his favorite meal in the world with the family instead of suffering along with me! I have no desire to be around that food and watch everyone else eat, it'd just be a slap in the face! We still have a month so maybe we'll have some progress by then but the chances of me being able to eat anything else by then are not looking good.

It amazes me with all of this he's still just a happy, pleasant little man. We know he's growing because at 3 months he's just about out of his infant seat. I just ordered our new car seat which was going to be a Christmas gift but we had to put our request into Santa early. We assumed he'd be able to last at least 6 months in his infant seat! We can only pray that for some reason this new car seat will actually keep him content in the car. Unless the rides are during his naps, they are miserable! But, we had another great day at the movies today. He's such a fun baby (you know, except for in the car!)

I think that's all for now, I'll post an update after his appointment Friday or at least sometime over the weekend. Enjoy the pics below!


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