Sunday, September 11, 2005

More first impressions

We ventured on another semi-long distance trip with J-Bird yesterday to meet more relatives. He did amazing on the car ride up which we thought he would since it was right when he takes his morning naps. We didn't expect him to last the whole ride but he did! And the way home was almost as smooth. He loves to have the windows down for the sound and wind but Bryan rolled them down enough for him to see out of and I could see his little eyes trying to follow the trees as they were flying by. He was looking so intently. Once he started to clearly indicate he was tired of the car, we were fortunately ready with a bottle and he sucked it down and drifted off to sleep...for 15 minutes and woke up with a bang. After several soothing attempts, finally a finger to suck and the jiggling of the car seat was enough to mellow him out a bit until that lost it's appeal. By that time we were fortunately close to home and he never got to his full-fledged scream attack either. If only we could pay someone to ride in the back with him we'll be good to go.

We did buy a White Noise CD for the car which seemed to do the trick today but he's fooled us before thinking we had him figured out. He likes to keep us on our toes, as he should! He's such an awesome baby. In fact he was just in an uproar now and seemed inconsolible for Papa until he busted out the White Noise CD again and it was like an off switch. He's wide awake chilling on his own IN HIS CAR SEAT EVEN just listening away to the white noise. Let's hope this trick is a keeper! We're going to burn a copy for the bedroom and hopefully get an extra hour or two of sleep out of him.

It's funny, we hung out with his same-aged friend Max on Friday and his mom and I realized that all the little things our babies do we thought were unique, other babies do them too. I said "Julian's blowing spit bubbles like crazy" and on cue Max showed off his bubble blowing skills too.
"Max has been smiling a lot lately!" "So is Julian!"
"It looks like Julian is trying to crawl" "Same with Max!"
"Max is starting to bat at toys" "Julian too!"
But Max is laughing already and sleeping for 4 hour stretches in his own crib so they get points for that....but Julian is still better! :) Oh right, this isn't a competition.

Julian had a lot of fun meeting his Papa's side of the family, here are the pictures to prove it, check out the grin for Great Grandma Garlitz. Also below he's meeting Great Uncle/Aunt Mark & Trish, Great Grandma Schrock and Great Aunt Kathy. He was the perfect gentleman all day yesterday. We're always proud to show him off any chance we get! (click on the photos below to see more)

Hmmmm, you think the drool is a sign the fool-proof colic hold Great Aunt Kathy did relaxed him?


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