Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Long time no speak

Well, it's been a while since my last update. Apparently a little too long if you ask my Father-in-Law :) A lot has been going on, Julian has been a very busy boy.

We're still looking into causes of his colic/discomfort but it looks like it's a dairy allergy. We've had a few more bloody stool incidences (and remember when I say bloody stool, it means a tiny speck but that's a speck too much for me!) I took him to the doctor last Friday and she said he's way too healthy for it to be anything other than a food allergy (she also thought he was 4 months old from looking at him, so big and mature). Dairy is the most common allergy so we're starting there. And about 60% of babies that have a dairy allergy, also have reactions to soy so we're eliminating that from my diet as well. AND she said to avoid nuts, mainly peanuts since they are seeing an increase in peanut allergies among babies probably due to the increase in breast feeding. And since that allergy reaction is so bad we're not going to take any chances.

So we're going to be hardcore dairy/soy/nut free for a few weeks and see if things get better. Once they do we'll try to introduce soy and see if he can handle that. But right now, life is very hard on this diet. I'm not trying to have a pity party but I've since learned that 50% of foods have dairy and the other 50% have soy which leaves 0% for me to eat. It's impossible to go out to eat because chances are I can't eat it. If I don't have the complete list of ingredients I won't eat it. Did you know bread has soy in it? I thought I was being good by having a tuna sub on wheat but I found out both the bread and mayo are bad. Well any bread product, cereals, salad dressings even vinagarettes, some chicken noodle soups, cooking sprays the list goes on and on. I'm down to being able to eat lettuce with oil and vinegar. I'm starting to check out Whole Foods for organic options since they usually are the place to go for any kind of diet limitations. I'm learning to like Rice Milk, the Rice "bread" no so much, and I have yet to try the Rice Cream. I've had to get "Canola Oil" mayo just so I can eat some tuna. For breakfast I get to have scrambled eggs (no milk) with a TINY, TINY amount of cooking spray in the pan. No bread, no butter, no nothing! I'm not asking for sympathy (well sort of) but I think people really have NO idea how many products contain dairy and/or soy. It's amazing what we take for granted!

It's very hard but I'm looking at this as an opportunity to be more adventurous with food and to develop a healthier eating lifestyle once I learn all the alternatives. I won't be overloading on empty carbs and dairy is not meant for human consumption. Cow's milk is for cows just like human breast milk is for human babies. But boy do I miss it! I'm taking supplements to make sure I get my calcuium and vitamin D. If nothing else, I'll definitely lose this baby weight. I'm going to give this my all until we've exhausted all dietary options then go from there. Just incase it's not dairy, I've been writing down every tiny morsal I put in my mouth AND keeping the food ingredient lables to watch for any trends. And incase he ends up having a food allergy long-term I will already know what to buy and cook for him. Most likely this is something he'll outgrow anyway. What fun!

Let's see what else....

Julian met some more relatives this weekend, his Aunt Kristy, Great Aunt Janet, and Great Uncle Chuck. He also had his first trip to the zoo. We can't quite tell if he liked it but we do know for a fact he hates being in the stroller. He likes that about as much as he likes being in the car. He's not too portable! And Mama will be insane by the end of this month if we have to take too many more car trips. That's not good because I don't want to end up isolated but it's extremely stressful and frustrating to drive with him. We don't even have our 20 minutes of peace in the car anymore.

Oh he was a little model this past weekend too. He had his obligatory professional photos done at JC Penny and it went fairly well. No smiles on film but a couple of cute shots despite the poop mishap in his pants right before. Fortunately babies look best naked so we have some cute ones like that, very tastefully done. We won't have those until the end of the month though.

Nana came to babysit today while Mama went for a much needed haircut (yes referring to myself in the 3rd person is now a habit). It's pretty bad when getting your hair trimmed feels like a vacation! I also gave my employer my resignation so I'm officialy a stay at home mom. Lord help us all.

I guess that's it for now...oh yea, how could I forget photos galore!


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