Friday, July 29, 2005

A day in the life

Julian is growing every day in more ways than one. He looks more and more like Bryan every day, it's so cute. He's really starting to see and notice things and look interested. Yesterday we walked to the new playground where I told him he can play once he can hold his head up on his own and has some limb control. Actually he has amazing head control now and has since we brought him home. With some more "tummy time" to work up his neck muscles he'll be holding that big noggin up in no time.

As far as me, well I'm tired. So.Very.Tired. He won't sleep! Well, let me clarify, the only place he'll sleep right now is on my chest curled up in a little ball. This is day or night which makes it almost impossible to do much of anything during the day and leaves very little time to sleep at night. Well very little sleep for me at least, everyone else seems to do OK! I did put him in the sling for a bit during the day which allows me some free time but I would like another lesson from my friends in sling wearing to get it just right. I have another baby carrier my friend made me and she'll show me how to use that one which may work better because it'll allow him to be tummy to tummy with me just how he likes. Julian and I may meet her at her "baby wearing" group this Saturday and the new playground so I should get all the tips in baby wearing I need. And meet some like-minded moms too. Hopefully they are like-minded, Bryan warned me not to come back "weird." Some of these groups can be a bit militant but I think if my friend belongs than it should be OK.

We're going to try to meet Bryan for lunch today and show the babe off at his office. I took him up to my office the other day. Fortunately my boss wasn't there so I didn't have to get all squirmmy when she asks me what day I'm coming back.

Well here's your fix of Julian photos, hopefully get some better ones soon, especially in his cute little romper today. It's too hard to get photos when it's just him and I and I have to hold him...we need Bryan, AKA the Papa-razzi. Enjoy.


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